WHITENING & EXFOLIATING CHAD COFFEE SCRUB/WASH ( for face and body whitening)500ML

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If you desire an even-toned skin, or are looking to whiten and reverse facial aging, then, using Chad coffee powder will be beneficial. This Whitening and Exfoliating Coffee Scrub/Wash is packed with anti-aging and exfoliation properties that can boost skin health.

Our Chad Coffee Scrub/Wash deeply exfoliates the skin, making it ideal for getting rid of dull skin and dead skin cells. The caffeine in coffee helps tighten pores, clear wrinkles, heal puffy eyes and crow's feet, eradicate stress lines on face, reduce cellulite as well as inflammation and swelling, clear dark knuckles, elbows, knees, ankles and body acne.

Cellulite is a skin condition caused by fat buildup underneath the skin. It causes lumpy flesh on the abdomen, hips, buttocks, arms and thighs. Black coffee contains caffeine that wraps itself around these fat molecules and stifles their growth.

With the intense rejuvenating effect of Chad Coffee Powder, Egyptian milk, Honey, Yoghurt, Lemon, Turmeric, Pearl Powder, Arbutin, Glutathione, Tallowate, Sodium and Aloe Vera, the Whitening and Exfoliating Coffee Scrub is sure to eradicate hyperpigmentation, making your skin brighter.

HOW TO USE: Apply the Whitening and Exfoliating Chad Coffee Scrub/Wash on face and body. Allow to seep in for about 20minutes. Thereafter, scrub with your Hammam Sponge or exfoliating gloves. Rinse with warm water, and apply your favourite Lasimi regimen, afterwards.

*Suitable for use 3-4 times, weekly.